Monday, July 22, 2013

Fathers & Finances

(July 1-5)
The week of July 4, we were only able to have one class. But that class taught me some very valuable things. First we talked about what impact it has on women to stay at home with their kids--is it a brainless chore? We read an article by Dennis Prager that I think most of you would find entertaining in the least, and perhaps even a little bit enlightening. (Does a Full Time Homemaker Swap Her Mind For a Mop?) This alone brought up some interesting discussion, and I'd like to hear what your thoughts are, so comment!
But probably what I found more interesting was our discussion about dual income households. Did you know that in most cases, a couple will actually spend so much money on new necessities--child care, tutors, school lunches, etcetera-- that the second income is completely depleted by it, and often the first is dipped into? Do you know what that means? If one parent were to stay home--and we believe that, wherever possible, this should be the mom--and parent the children herself, rather than paying someone to do it, their family would actually have more money to live on. Is that interesting or what? I'm finding in this class, time and time again, that research backs up what the Lord's servants have been telling us for years--steady dating at a young age is detrimental, having a mother stay at home will bring blessings, if you cohabit you are 4-5 times more likely to be a victim of domestic violence than a married woman is, etcetera. The prophets and apostles have authority to speak on all subjects, whether or not they have a degree saying they can. The Lord is the fountain of all knowledge, and His prophets have access to that fountain, so when they tell us something, it is true, and time will prove it. We would do well to follow their counsel before we suffer the consequences of disobedience.

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